



Some people think of Spring and Summer as the time to cleanse their bodies by eating lighter, eating more fruit, eating primarily or only raw foods, drinking freshly made juices, juice fasting, juice feasting, taking herbal concoctions. I have done all of these things and more over the past twenty five plus years. It just made sense. I really felt the need. What I did not realize was that the body is already in a stronger cleansing mode during Spring and Summer. I did not realize I was putting more pressure on my body by increasing the consumption of  fruits,  juicing fruits and vegetables and eating raw foods. Eating this way just made sense. I now realize it is more important to simplify and not add more burden to our bodies organs of elimination. What seemed like lightening up was actually creating a cascade of toxin pouring out of organs and tissues into my blood stream and  my already unhealthy gut. This is where the genius of taking the right amounts of Clay and certain types of  herbs is important for long term success in healing.

The Macrobiotic Approach of not eating raw fruits and vegetables daily in significant quantities, because they are  too cleansing and hard to digest, does make sense for many. This is especially true for those who are highly symptomatic. Unfortunately, most people misinterpret the Macro Diet as an invitation to amp up their complex carbs. In transitioning from The Standard American Diet to Macro it is understandable that people over eat better quality carbs to replace the refined ones to deal with their cravings. Hands down, no matter how you go about Macro, it is far healthier than The Standard American Diet, just by what it excludes.


Important point here: At this time in the world diet upgrades alone are not capable of creating deep healing for most anybody. I experience this is as being true for myself as an individual and practitioner. The old time cleansing in Spring and Summer, with the protocols I mentioned before, may have or may not have healed some cases of deep illness in centuries or decades past. In this present time, when our environment is constantly being barraged with toxins, and is barraging us with elements our bodies can not process, it is truly evident that healing with diet, as the primary protocol, does not work. A primary example being that people go on a juice feast, juice fast or smoothie cleanse and end up on antibiotics soon after because they became sick or highly symptomatic. The Macro Approach needs some help in addressing deeper cleansing. Clay, herbs and a natural antibiotic substance [Colloidal Silver is one] are answers that I can personally say yields results. What results? A better functioning gut to assure better assured cellular cleansing.  Healing plays out differently for every single person who partakes on The Unique Healing Program. That is all I got. You have to try The UHP for yourself.


In summary, what seems intuitively correct for many, in my experience with myself and others, is not the way to cure illness and heal the deepest recesses of our cells, organs, tissues and blood. Check out The Unique Healing Program Donna Pessin. The UHP may challenge your every impression and belief about what healing is and can be. I hope it does. I hope you take the time to give The Unique Healing Program a chance. It is worth it, but you need to trust and have faith in your decision to do it. Through this process you will begin to understand your own instincts and experiences. This program will question all of what you think you know about many things. I can tell you one thing for sure, and that is that  it takes time and experience on The UHP to truly understand how it works. It is not an easy process, but I don’t think anything we learn from is an initial slam dunk.






3/2014: I originally wrote this post in October of 2013. It may seem out of sync with some other more recent things I have shared.

Here is a incomplete list of some of the other healing therapies I have researched explored, and tried [most] before finding The Unique Healing Program:

Dietary upgrades [the basics], complete dietary turnarounds, whole food supplements, superfoods, medicinal mushrooms, probiotics, herbal elixirs, herbal formulas, digestive enzymes, systemic enzymes, colon cleanses, juice fasts, Juice Feasting, water fasting, urine therapy, enemas, coffee enemas, colonics, EDTA suppositories, raw food diet, macrobiotic diet, being a vegan, grounding technology, zappers, parasite cleanses, DNA telomere therapy, acupuncture, gallbladder flushes, natural hygiene diet. chiropractic adjustment, structural integration therapy, rolfing. Wow, this is a long list of therapies and I hardly made a dent!


Only if healthy digestion is restored. They may work depending on the condition of the person using them. The more depleted the digestion and elimination process in an individual the less likely  any of these other therapies are to contribute to a complete restoration of health. Most do not center around restoring gut health.


Many people who seek healing are ill, sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, have not received healing from traditional medicine, have friends and family that are ill, just have an intuition to look outside the box of allopathic – western medicine. The bar is pretty low for determining what health is today. Normal is not a good guideline. Just look around. Today’s normal is not for me.

Sodium Bentonite Clay ingested is one very specific way to sop up, draw out and revitalize the tissues, organs and blood of our body. Changing diet and some of the before mentioned  therapies will usually temporarily lighted the toxic load, buffer the toxic condition, or unintentionally make it worse for those with really weak digestive health. Why? Because they are cleansing and when digestion is weak the toxins overwhelm the immune system and get reabsorbed. A simplified answer. That is where the Sodium Bentonite Clay is deeply needed.

Many of the listed therapies may, in conjunction with one another, work to reverse illness depending on the individuals exposure to environmental toxins, dietary history, ancestral health history, sexual history and other specifics. Still I think they are lacking the one lynch pin, which is healing the gut.

Healing the gut results in not being afraid of our environment and all that that means. There is so much paranoia in the raw food and other communties. It does not speak well of the communities overall health.

The Unique Healing Program Donna Pessin brilliantly uses Sodium Bentonite Clay with a few other specifically designed products to detoxify the body and restore digestion and dietary health and freedom. Check it out.


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Many years ago I discovered Michio Kushi and the Macrobiotic Movement. Although I was never a “by the book” Macrobiotic follower, I did learn a great deal. My involvement began at  the Macrobiotic Center in NYC, going to lectures, food preparation classes, studying shiatsu, and assisting some of the Macrobiotic counselors during their sessions with patients. I learned a great deal, much of it in retrospect.

Primary point learned was that strengthening the quality of our blood is essential in creating better health. There was not such a focus on gut health in terms of probiotics, but fermented foods were part of the plan. Pickled and pressed salads were recommended with meals. The availability for these macrobiotic  foods, at that time, was most only in health food stores, . Things have come such a long way and I think the Macro Movement does not get enough credit for all they contributed to educating the world. What we eat creates the quality of our blood is one primary lesson of the Macrobiotic Movement.

Sugar, sweets, very sweet fruits do not strengthen the blood and need to be eaten moderately for the healthy, limited for the less well and balanced by mineral rich foods. Seaweeds, fermented raw sauerkrauts, mineral rich non-refined sea salts are some primary ways of strengthening the blood and diminishing cravings for sweets.

Strengthening the bacteria in the intestines and colon are truly the key to better health. There is an unfathomable  amount of  toxic substances in our air and water. Forget about the  caffeine, alcohol, prescriptive and over the counter drugs that most people ingest that greatly put a daily dent in our protective gut flora / healthy bacteria.

So what to do? Well, to begin with ingesting more mineral rich foods, increasing the amount of high quality fermented foods, and taking a high quality probiotic is a start. When the gut is healthy our blood has a more balanced PH and our health improves. It should not be a secret any longer that our immune systems are rooted in our gut. Poor digestion means imminent, and eventual poor health. Why is this not focused on by most doctors? Well, that is the unspoken deal with many medical professionals and their patients. It goes something like this: Invest in us and you can keep doing what you are doing with a minor warning and slap on the wrist. All that until the major artillery is needed. Surgery, Chemo, serious medications,  etcetera.

Every action has a reaction, except in the world of allopathic medicine. Mostly run by large corporations, HMO’s and pharmaceutical companies. Invested in and allowed to run amuck by many of us, society, the powers that be. Many of  these same citizens are burdened with life threatening maladies. They are also recipients of these debilitating treatments and drugs. Sadly crazy.

Postscript 12/2013: Donna Pessin has created The Unique Healing Program to address improving the health of the GI tract and overall health. Excellent program. The Unique Healing Program Donna Pessin does work. It takes some patience and the desire to heal.
