



BUT you can still meet her in her online videos and books. You can get a clearer impression of Donna Pessin and her program if you are able to look for answers concerning your health from a less needy place. You may then be more likely to take in a realistic picture of Donna Pessin and her program. In order to better understand what she is talking about it may be necessary for you to take the plunge and buy her products. How else are you going to fully experience what she is offering? Through a personal consultation? Unfortunately for some, Donna Pessin is not presently doing any consultations. In her mass emails she is indicating she may not return to doing personal consults in the near or distant future. Hey, no problem. Why? Because all you need to know is in her videos and books, right? That is what Donna Pessin is telling everyone now. But wait, all her videos, before her leave of absence, ended in a pitch for having a one on one consult with her, if you got stuck. Stuck is definitely what can happen while on The Unique Healing Program. In all fairness, on any program, but this according to Donna Pessin is not like any other program. This is very true in more ways than one…


Stuck means not moving forward on The Unique Healing Program due to infectious material that is not being “knocked off ” by the Colloidal Silver and Berberine Herbs [Bowel Strength] that Donna Pessin advocates. The UHP Colloidal Silver, that Ms. Pessin says will do the trick. Stuck means not moving out enough of the toxic waste in a timely way with the Sodium Bentonite Clay [Body Bentonite] that she sells. Being stuck seems to be the case for all the people I am in touch with who are participants of The Unique Healing Program for over one year or more. Why is that happening? Well, one reason is that The Unique Healing Colloidal Silver is especially expensive to take in the dosages Donna Pessin currently recommends. The amount Donna Pessins says one needs to keep battling the infection that is stored throughout the body of many people on and off The UHP.


Donna Pessin does not, in her books or videos, recommend the use of MMS / CDH or CDS. This is the substance I have used on and off throughout my two years on The UHP. I also made Colloidal Silver, and continue to. I do this with a Sota Instruments Silver Pulser. I advocate Sota and The SilverGen.


ONE of the other reasons people get stuck is that Donna Pessin does not advocate the use of Colonics and Enemas to help detoxify the body during her detox program. I could feel my body reabsorbing toxins and knew that I had to continue to incorporate Colonics or Enemas into my practice of The Unique Healing Program from the very beginning. Why? I could feel I was reabsorbing toxins that I could not get out quickly enough on my own. I felt rather low grade miserable. I tried not doing colonics and felt more and more bloated. Some other symptoms worsened. I have written other posts recounting my symptoms. Easy to find on this blog site search.


Why does Donna Pessin NOT advocate the use of MMS? I asked her about using MMS and she did not deter me. As I said earlier, MMS is not recommended in any of her videos, books or emails. Why? Probably because she has not used MMS/ CD or CDS and does not understand it firsthand. I think this is a big mistake on her part. It will end up being a problem for her program, an already developing one as we speak, soon down the line. Also, MMS is very inexpensive. Unique Healing Program Colloidal Silver is 15.95  per bottle, last time I checked. Donna Pessin recently made it clear that to have an effective outcome one bottle is a portion for two days. Long term that could be very stressful on many levels.


If you are thinking of starting The Unique Healing Program please be notified: Many of the people I know, and others that write me through this blog, are in need of an anti fungal anti bacterial on an ongoing basis. More help than one receives from taking The UHP Bowel Strength.  It is not affordable for anyone that I know to take as much Unique Healing Colloidal Silver as Ms. Pessin recommends for ongoing infections. Even if money is not an issue it eventually becomes an annoyance. How long is this going to go on for? This is the question I asked myself. Also, is Colloidal Silver effective when being ingested daily on an ongoing basis? One thing David Wolfe makes clear in his 2009 Longevity Now Program [Immune System Bolstering Protocol],  is to keep changing things up. Make sure your ” unwanted guests” do not become immune to your chosen anti fungal / anti bactierial. Could this also be the case with MMS? I don’t know.  MMS may be a much more potent and a specific healing agent for many who are suffering from immune system related illnesses. Isn’t that at the root of all sickness? Me think it is.

Is all the info you need about Donna Pessin  in her videos and books?  I think the answer is yes. Listen to your instincts. I listened to mine and am very glad I started The Unique Healing Program.  Have been at it, my way, for two years. As I have said in other posts, I have had to tweak The Unique Healing Program repeatedly. It will take you as far as you can go with it.  Is there enough information in The UHP books and videos to set you on a path to healing without directly consulting with Donna Pessin? Maybe, and maybe not.

The UHP is not for everyone, but what is? Zippo. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and presently on The Unique Healing Program? Then it is time for some reassessing. N’est ce pas? Me think so.



Author: notyourrawmama

At the age of ten I distinctly remember questioning the premise that illness just happens to us. The idea that every action has a reaction became a clear reason to doubt that I could not personally impact my own health. In my very early twenties I was introduced to the Macrobiotic Philosophy of Life and assisted a Macrobiotic Counselor in NYC over a period of ten years or more. My life took many twists and turns and I evolved from a trained dancer and performer to a Shiatsu Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Colon Therapist and student of different Spiritually oriented Mind Body Therapies at the Esalen Institute and other healing centers. My associations are as follows: Member of the AOBTA for over 20 Years Member of the NCCAOM for approximately 12 years Member of the Yoga Teachers Alliance 500 hours for approximately 12 years Colon Therapist [ Wood's Institute ] Since 1998 Along with studying REIKI [ 2nd degree ] I was part of a School based on the work of Railey Macey, Dr. Robert Jaffe and Hands of Light. Railey Macey was my teacher. Thank you for your interest in my blog. notyourrawmoma "Wherever you are be the soul of that place". Rumi


  1. Thank you for this post Mary. As always you’re spot on. I’m trying the OO at the moment but will get MMS as well to alternate with.
    Petra xx

    • Thank you and will get back via email. Good idea to do the MMS / CD with the HCL activator. I get mine from Maybe someone in Europe sells it. I would think so. No crazy shipping fees?

  2. So, you are against this woman because….. She’s taking a break, she didn’t update all her videos to say she’s taking a break? She has no opinion on something that you feel works? I’m lost, please how do you truely feel. You seem to have nothing good to say but only real objections are her taking a break and not using something that you feel is beneficial?

    • Hi Tony, I am not sure how many of the posts I have written about Donna Pessin and Unique Healing you have read. I have made it extremely clear that I have had many interactions with people who were struggling with her program due to her advice. More clay, more clay and more clay. The UHPSG forum on FB is pretty much a dead zone. People were not getting results, or worse.
      It is not how Donna took time off but how she did. I make that very, very, very clear in the posts that I wrote. There is only so much time in the day for you to research what I have written. I have gone into detail in many posts about using MMS / Chlorine Dioxide, colonics and enemas with her program. Please look at more recent posts, if you want to about what I am doing. I have no problem with anyone taking time off. In fact, I mention in very early posts about UHP that dealing with ill people is draining. Anyway, those of us who had one on one sessions with Donna had our own experiences with her. I then heard about others directly through emails or by phone.
      Good luck with what you are doing for your own health and well being. Mary

  3. Hello I did Donna program and did an over the consultation with her and I have read almost the whole first book I have spent literally thousands on her supplements and did the program very aggressively, and after about a year down the line I’m 10 times sicker now than when I started the program can anyone help????

    • Hello Josh, Go to the FB Unique Healing Support Group Forum. Also, you may find some help in my blog posts. From the beginning I have written about what I needed to do to make her program work.The most recent posts, ones this year give some ideas concerning bowel health and cleansing.Maybe start with this month and go backwards. The UHP is not one stop shopping as it is sold and does work better with a very clean diet. Video 5 Major Diet Tips of Donna’s is helpful. Good Luck.

  4. Hi. Thank you for all your posts about your experience of UHP. It rounded out some areas that were questions for me. I am looking to restart the UHP – i started in 2013 and then stopped. Where can I find the FB group?

    • You are welcome! I am not sure UHSG page is still up, especially after Donna died. However, it would be under Unique Healing Support or Support Group. I left the group over one year ago or more. Most people have moved on, not just due to Donna’s death, but the program just was not working for them.
      If you check out my most recent posts and ones from the past twelve months you will find some other ideas for finding some solutions the may work for you. Truly wishing you the best. Mary

  5. How did Donna die? I found her program recently, but I am hesitant to try it knowing she passed away & there is no information on the cause of her death! Why is no one talking about how she died? I am very confused.

    • I wrote a post about her death and there are many others critiquing her program. There is plenty of information in these posts to help you decide what to do. Good Luck.

      • I did read your post about her death and some of your other ones about her program. I just find it odd and somewhat irresponsible that no one (her family or otherwise) is addressing this issue since she put out so much information on health. She also makes very bold statements about how you will “never have to worry about cancer and early death” with her program and then she dies early from cancer (or at least that’s the rumor). That being said, I have started taking bentonite because I do believe it is a beneficial product for eliminating acids, toxins, and metals from the body, but I am extremely leery to follow much of Donna’s advice not knowing whether or not it contributed to her early death. Thank you for your reply.

  6. Hi Jennifer, I completely agree with you. The way this is being handled is probably due to liability fears. I am guessing. It is not out of character for how things were handled while Donna was living. What and how things happened is a complicated subject. How things evolved, we will probably never know. Donna did not look well in the last couple of years before her death. This can be seen in her videos. Many of her decisions were probably made from a place of fear and poor health. They usually go hand in hand.

    I would check out Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD for a more comprehensive way to build a healthier gut. Vitality is her site. Thank you for writing.


  7. NOTYOURRAWMAMA does not have a clue!! So no doubt you are still using some of Donna’s products while criticising about them. And while one heals, this process is different for everyone, some take a LOT longer than others. I have been on this program for just over 4 years and slowly (PATIENTLY) see myself not really using crutches that I once relied on so long ago. My state of mind is a lot healthier ( this certainly happens OVER TIME) , so while one has tried many ways to heal (as I did and Donna) such as medications, drugs, raw diets, yoga and so the list goes on and believe me I have tried many but the only program that is genuine for all is UHP PROGRAM.

    • Hi Sarah, Thank you for sharing your experience concerning UHP. No, I stopped using UHP products about two years ago. I document all of this in blog posts. I am truly glad to hear that UHP is working for you. Best Wishes. M.

  8. interesting ..i stumbled upon Donna’s vids two days ago… thought it was weird for their not to be vids past 2015…

  9. Interesting blog. What is the difference between MMS / CDH and CDS? I’m new to this but as far as I can tell you need Sodium Chlorite plus distilled water, to which you then add an acidic activator for the Sodium Chloride used for the MMS protocol. So what is CDS and CDH because according to one website selling this stuff it seems to be the same thing (to me, not the seller) – Sodium Chlorite? Sorry for the belated enquiry or if I’ve misunderstood something. I’d be grateful if you could shed some light on this as I’m in the process of preparing for the day when corporate pressure leads to a ban on remedies like this. Thanks for any help.

    • Hi Jack, Discover MMS is the company that I buy from. I am not sure of the difference between the CDH and CDS, but I will look into it. In the meantime, the people at Discover are good about answering questions. We use reverse osmosis water when preparing the CD. I don’t think distilled is necessary, but it might be if storing the solution for long periods of time. Mary

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